Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Final Draft for single sex schools.

Single sex schools is a talked about topic because there are mixed opinions on the subject. People believe that single sex schools help the students get a better and higher quality of education because there isn’t the opposite sex in the classroom to distract them and affect their behavior. Other people believe that having a single sex schools doesn’t help the student’s social skills because everywhere in the real world you have to deal with the opposite sex all the time and you aren’t sheltered from them.
In the article “With no Boys to Ogle, We had time to Learn” by Christine Flowers she talks about how she went to an all girls school and she thinks that she received a better education because she didn’t have boys to worry about all the time. She was able to focus on her studies and not worrying about getting dates for the weekend. Christine said she was able to not hold back anything she wanted to say in class because of a boy sitting in class and her thinking he was good looking or her just being intimidated by the boy. Christine herself taught at an all boy school and she said they focused better on their work between 8 and 3. Christine believes that schools are becoming schools with both sexes because they are focusing on money instead of trying to deliver a higher education to the students.
Sean McCollum in “Single-sex schools: Solution or setback?” talks about how having single sex schools can be a setback for the students and the economy. Sean thinks that it isn’t the schools that aren’t giving a very good education; he thinks the teachers just need to be trained to handle the different sexes differently. He says that boys aren’t going to want to discuss certain things and girls aren’t going to want to do different things and teachers need to be trained to handle those different things differently. Sean also talks about how the just girl schools were doing alright and the boy schools were almost becoming a place for boys that were acting out to go. Boys were going to all boy schools because they were acting out not because they wanted to receive a higher education. He also believes that single-sex schools don’t help the students with social skills. Because one day they will have to interact with the opposite all the time everywhere they go, going to a single-sex school doesn’t help their social skills with the opposite sex.
Christine believes that single-sex schools are the way to go and Sean believes that they have a place but a single sex school isn’t the only way to get a good education. He believes that if teachers were trained differently than they would be able to handle the different sexes differently making them learn better. While Christine believes that single sex schools are the best way to achieve a really good education. Christine says that boys and girls should mingle outside of school at social places not in school. Sean believes that single-sex schools slows down the kids learning of social skills, and they are important because both sexes interact all the time in the real world
Views on this topic are split because people have different views on ways to achieve a good education. Many people feel that single-sex education isn’t the way to go because they cost more money and you risk the social skills of the students attending the school.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sources for legacy admissions.





Before reading chapter 3.

Before reading chapter 3 i believe that this chapter is about explanatory synthesis, and it will describe accually what an explanatory synthesis might be. I think that an explanatory synthesis is a paper that explains what the topic is about and using other sources to help explain the main topic or idea. Hopefully this chapter explains what sources are best used in an explanatory synthesis and how much you should refer to this sources in my writing.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Youtube clip on same sex education.


This clip is about two different professionals views on same sex education. One lady believes that single sex classes would help the students focus better on their classes and that it has been proved by research that it does in fact help the students do better in school.
The other lady thinks that splitting up the classes is only a "band-aid" to what the problem really is, she believes that the problem is how the size of classes, funding of the schools, how well the teachers are trained, technology availabilty. There is evidence to prove that smaller classes and better trained teachers also helps change schools and the students grades. she says this helps students get more one-on-one time thus helping them learn better.
This video is ordinally from MSNBC news channel and both of these people are reliable sources and talk about how research backs up both of their ideas how which way education method would help the students the most. I believe that this is a good source because both women have research to back their ideas up, this helping to make their arguements stronger when there is research to support their ideas.

Daniel Tomlinson

Sunday, February 8, 2009

After reading chapter 2

I learned many things from chapter 2. For instance, i need to determine whether the writer intention is to inform the reader, persuade the reader or to just entertain the reader. I need to try and figure this out from the first few lines and the title to see if it is worth reading to see if it is a good source. I need to make sure the writer doesn't have emotionally loaded terms in their work, or they don't generalize or make false accuzations. When reading i need to critique the writing to see if it has things like if the information is accurate, significant and if the author defines the terms clearly so the reader may understand them. Also if the author used and interpreted information fairly and if they argued logically and didn't try to lean toward one side of the arguement.

Before review of chapter 2

I think that in chapter 2 its going to be talking about critical reading skills and how to critique how well an author's writing is, and how well the author presents their point. I think this chapter is going to help point out how to determine if a source is a good enough source to use, and if the author can be creditable. I also think this chapter is going to help me learn how to read more critically and pick out main points and ideas from the reading.

After reading chapter 1

After reading chapter one i found out that i was partly right because i was right on the basic idea of the chapter. But i learned that there are many different things to look for in a reading before you write your summary like identify the main points, and even the subordinate points. Also i need to determine what is a point, example or a counterarguement. I also learned that it helps breaking the reading into different parts so it doesn't seem like such a long piece. A paraphrase is almost like a summary just putting the summary into more of your own words instead of almost just saying the authors main points right from the reading. When using quotes i learned that are certain times you should use direct quotes and indirect quotes. Or when an author's language is important, or that an author proves a point in very good wording and lastly when in my writing i want to add credibility to my writing by using a good quote. I learned that you should only use the part of the sentence or paragraph that i need, make sure i get the quote to flow into my sentence i just don't need to stick it anywhere in the sentence or paragraph.

Chapter 1 reading

I think that chapter one of the book is going to be about summary, paraphrase and quotations. How and when to use these certain things. How to write a summary and paraphrase and get the key points the author is trying to make and also how to shorten your writing time down so it won't take a really long time to write a summary or paraphrase an article. Also i think that i will learn when and how to use quotations correctly in my writing.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Daniel Tomlinson
February 4, 2009
English 101

Single sex schools is a talked about topic because there are mixed opinions on the subject. People believe that single sex schools help the students get a better and higher quality of education because there isn’t the opposite sex in the classroom to distract them and affect their behavior. Other people believe that having a single sex schools doesn’t help the student’s social skills because everywhere in the real world you have to deal with the opposite sex all the time and you aren’t sheltered from them.
In the article “With no Boys to Ogle, We had time to Learn” by Christine Flowers she talks about how she went to an all girls school and she thinks that she received a better education because she didn’t have boys to worry about all the time. She was able to focus on her studies and not worrying about getting dates for the weekend. Christine said she was able to not hold back anything she wanted to say in class because of a boy sitting in class and her thinking he was good looking or her just being intimidated by the boy. Christine herself taught at an all boy school and she said they focused better on their work between 8 and 3. Christine believes that schools are becoming schools with both sexes because they are focusing on money instead of trying to deliver a higher education to the students.
Sean McCollum in “Single-sex schools: Solution or setback?” talks about how having single sex schools can be a setback for the students and the economy. Sean thinks that it isn’t the schools that aren’t giving a very good education; he thinks the teachers just need to be trained to handle the different sexes differently. He says that boys aren’t going to want to discuss certain things and girls aren’t going to want to do different things and teachers need to be trained to handle those different things differently. Sean also talks about how the just girl schools were doing alright and the boy schools were almost becoming a place for boys that were acting out to go. Boys were going to all boy schools because they were acting out not because they wanted to receive a higher education. He also believes that single-sex schools don’t help the students with social skills. Because one day they will have to interact with the opposite all the time everywhere they go, going to a single-sex school doesn’t help their social skills with the opposite sex.
Christine believes that single-sex schools are the way to go and Sean believes that they have a place but a single sex school isn’t the only way to get a good education. He believes that if teachers were trained differently than they would be able to handle the different sexes differently making them learn better. While Christine believes that single sex schools are the best way to achieve a really good education. Christine says that boys and girls should mingle outside of school at social places not in school. Sean believes that single-sex schools slows down the kids learning of social skills, and they are important because both sexes interact all the time in the real world
Views on this topic are split because people have different views on ways to achieve a good education. Many people feel that single-sex education isn’t the way to go because they cost more money and you risk the social skills of the students attending the school.